Variations in the nutritional composition of breast milk
breastfeeding, biochemical composition, analysisAbstract
The complexity of the composition of human milk is still under study, both at the level of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and lipids) and micronutrients (minerals and vitamins), as well as non-nutritional elements that fulfill a number of functions (antibodies, oligosaccharides, microbiota, etc.). Evidence shows that the composition varies over time in such a way that stages in the production of breast milk can be recognized. Interindividual variations have also been established among mothers of premature infants or mothers who come to milk at milk banks when their infant is hospitalized. These variations are the subject of intensive research to determine their impact on infant health and to determine the need for interventions such as nutrition fortification or supplementation during hospitalization. Equally important is the recognition of epidemiological factors to identify mothers at risk for negative variations in the composition of the milk they produce.
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