Rapidly involving congenital hemangioma: Report of a clinical case
hemangioma, involution, tumor, expectantAbstract
We present the case of a newborn at term with a rounded, painless, violaceous, non-friable and non-ulcerated mass in the right knee. Doppler ultrasound was performed at birth, compatible with vascular anomaly. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) confirms an anterior tumor in the right knee, isointense in T2 with few serpinginous tubular structures, corresponding to blood vessels. It presents varicose veins draining to the greater saphenous vein (MS) in the anterointernal aspect of the thigh. A wait-and-see approach was decided and a progressive reduction in the size of the hemangioma was observed. At one year of life, the patient reported that she occasionally presented a bulge at the right inguinal level that corresponded on Doppler ultrasound with a dilated and incompetent arch of the greater saphenous vein, probably related to hyperflow of varicose veins. The patient was followed up in consultation and complete involution was observed after two years, with residual cutaneous atrophy on the anteroexternal aspect of the knee and collateral vascularization that did not increase with valsalva. It is a rapidly involutive congenital hemangioma (RICH). According to the ISSVA classification, it is a benign vascular tumor that involves with persistent mild hyperpigmentation and cutaneous atrophy.
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