Cirrhosis in an infant as a manifestation of a congenital defect of glycosylation of glycosylation
hypertransaminasemia, cirrhosis, congenital glycosylation defectsAbstract
We present the case of a full-term newborn girl evaluated in the emergency department for jaundice without phototherapy criteria. Subsequent laboratory tests showed hypertransaminasemia and dyslipidemia with increased LDL-cholesterol. After finding no alterations in the different parameters studied, a liver biopsy was performed showing findings compatible with cirrhosis. The metabolic study was extended and the patient presented an altered sialotransferrin profile, which led to a diagnosis of congenital defect of glycosylation. This name includes a broad group of diseases related to alterations in the process of glycan binding to protein chains. This defect, of genetic origin, involves changes in the structure and functionality of glycoproteins. The clinical manifestations are heterogeneous, depending on the gene affected and the type of glycoproteins altered, the most common being hepatic, neurological and hematological involvement.
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