Between persecution and crime, codes of ethics
codes of ethics, persecutions, crimesAbstract
Swearing and accepting codes of conduct, which are nothing more than codes of ethics, constitute the gateway to medical professionalism as well as dedication to research. "Medical professionals have duties, obligations, privileges and a protected status, but they are also governed by the highest ethical standards," Phalen tells us. The Panamanian Medical Association reminds us of this in its Code of Ethics, when it brings the phrase of Rabelais, physician and philosopher of the 16th century: "science without conscience is the ruin of the soul", to emphasize the "indispensability of a permanent ethical reflection that strengthens the conscience and reminds us of the core of vocation and service to others".
The earliest humans already practiced professional specializations related to health, as revealed by archaeological findings and anthropological studies. The first physicians in history, both born in Egypt, Imhotep, male, and Merit Ptah, female, declared oaths to their gods, Robert F. Phalen continues, based on several ethical attributes: not to lie, not to kill, not to deceive.
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