Acute rhabdomyolysis in pediatric age
rhabdomyolysis, acute renal failure, myopathy, myoglobinAbstract
Rhabdomyolysis is a syndrome characterized by the destruction of skeletal muscle and release of intracellular elements into the circulation. The classic triad of muscle pain, weakness and dark urine is not very common in pediatric age, with more atypical symptomatology prevailing the younger the age of the affected person. The etiology can be acquired or hereditary, the most frequent causes being infections, myopathies and physical exercise. The severity of the disease is very variable, from an isolated elevation of muscle enzymes to a more severe pathology with hydroelectrolytic alterations and renal failure.
Three clinical cases are described below in which a high index of suspicion was essential to initiate early treatment with intravenous hydration and thus guarantee a favorable evolution until recovery.
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