Hypersomnias are a group of disorders characterized by excessive drowsiness for at least 1 month, evidenced by both prolonged episodes of sleep and episodes of daytime sleep that occur almost every day. They are divided into primary or central, (idiopathic hypersomnia, Narcolepsy and Klein-Levin Syndrome) and secondary (Deprivation of chronic sleep in children). Excessive drowsiness should be of sufficient severity to cause significant cant clinical alterations or social, school, work or other important areas of the individuals activity; which does not appear in the course of another sleep disorder or other mental disorder, nor is it due to the direct physiological effects of substances or medical illness. Excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) is a common manifestation; it occurs with a variable frequency; From 11% in children to 52.8% in adolescents. The predominance is the same in Narcolepsy with or without cataplexy and in Kleine-Levin Syndrome. The adequate diagnosis is based on clinical history and studies of polysomnography. The treatment will help the patient to improve their activities and raise their self-esteem. The pathophysiology is not clear and the treatment is focused on decreasing daytime sleep with drugs such as Modafinil, Clarithromycin or sympathomimetics and supportive therapies.
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AbstractHypersomnias are a group of disorders characterized by excessive drowsiness for at least 1 month, evidenced by both prolonged episodes of sleep and episodes of daytime sleep that occur almost every day. They are divided into primary or central, (idiopathic hypersomnia, Narcolepsy and Klein-Levin Syndrome) and secondary (Deprivation of chronic sleep in children). Excessive drowsiness should be of sufficient severity to cause significant cant clinical alterations or social, school, work or other important areas of the individuals activity; which does not appear in the course of another sleep disorder or other mental disorder, nor is it due to the direct physiological effects of substances or medical illness. Excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) is a common manifestation; it occurs with a variable frequency; From 11% in children to 52.8% in adolescents. The predominance is the same in Narcolepsy with or without cataplexy and in Kleine-Levin Syndrome. The adequate diagnosis is based on clinical history and studies of polysomnography. The treatment will help the patient to improve their activities and raise their self-esteem. The pathophysiology is not clear and the treatment is focused on decreasing daytime sleep with drugs such as Modafinil, Clarithromycin or sympathomimetics and supportive therapies.
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