Peritonitis caused by Streptococcus pluranimalium: an unusual pathogen
Streptococcus pluranimalium, peritonitis, dialysisAbstract
Streptococcus pluranimalium is a bacteria described as a cause of infection in animals, and its isolation is unusual in humans. There have been no reported cases of peritonitis in humans by this bacteria and in fact no reported infections by this bacteria in Panama. We present the case of an 8 year old male with chronic renal disease, on treatment with peritoneal dialysis admitted to the hospital due to fluid imbalance. Peritoneal fluid analysis was compatible with peritonitis, and cultures grew S. pluranimalium. Clinical manifestations resolved after two weeks of treatment with cefotaxime and cefalotin. Advances in bacterial identification techniques have enabled the reporting of new species as causes of infection. Since there are few reported cases, it is difficult to establish guidelines for antibiotic treatment. The S. pluranimalium is usually sensitive to vancomycin, aminoglycosides and cephalosporins.
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